periferias 7 | jails unprisoned

Juliana Borges
For a democracy of abolition that contest hierarchies and strengthen community processes
by Mario René Rodríguez Torres and Cristiane Checchia
| Brazil |

Kenarik Boujikian
Alternatives to the punitive culture of the Brazilian judiciary
Cristiane Checchia
| Brazil |

"In the name of a world without prisons" — interviews with activists from the Front of Decarceration from the state of Paraná
The importance of collective movements in the daily struggle for disengagement
by Layra Rodrigues and Jhey Rodrigues
| Brazil |

Interview with Mujeres de Frente collective
Andrea Aguirre Salas and Elizabeth Pino reflect upon the feminist antipenitentiary actions of the collective founded in Quito
by Mario René Rodríguez Torres and Anderson Alves dos Santos
| Ecuador |
The Fictions and Futures of Transformative Justice
A Conversation on Abolitionism, Science Fiction, and Alternative Justice Systems
Walidah Imarisha |Alexis Gumbs | Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha | adrienne maree brown | Mia Mingus
| USA |

The Dictionary of Life
Collective writing and language in context of incarceration
Carlos Ríos
| Argentina |

Who is afraid of a black boy who is free, educated and alive?
Body — the territory of minor offenders — and the proposals of the HONEPO — Black Men in Politics — collective
Osmar Paulino
| Brazil |
Rojava's prisional systems
Restorative methods are the base for both civilian prisons and for ISIS prisioners
Abir Khaled
| Syria |
Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Prison art produced by incarcerated people, and their market relations and imposed institutional control
Nicole Fleetwood
| USA |
“We refuse to die in prison”: Decarceration for the decolonization of Latin America
Recognizing the historical link between the penal colonies and the contemporary prison systems is a fundamental factor to disintegrate thought
Dirceu Franco Ferreira | Samuel Tracol
| Brazil | France |
Theatre as a strategy for social change
Colonialism and apartheid operated with segregated prisons, in the country where multicultural and multilingual traditions created a national culture of theater. In prisons, they also highlight the public health crisis of HIV/AIDS
Ashley Lucas | Vicente Concílio
| USA | South Africa | Brazil |

Motherhood in prison
Experiences of previously incarcerated mothers in Valparaíso, Chile and how to work with reparative actions through the arts
Vania Gallardo López | Eva Lineros Vega
| Chile |

Writing for constructing freedom
Feminist Writing Workshops for Women Deprived of Liberty in Morelos as a Tool of Denunciation, Resistance and Collective Visibility
Marcia Trejo and Lucia Espinoza
| Mexico |
A visual experience of silence in Saint-Joseph
An abandoned island, once part of the French colonial penal system, is being reshaped by nature over the last decades
Glória Alhinho
| French Guiana |
Exchanging sticks for wings
Or when heroes are the reason for the crimes that binds imprison us
Murilo Gaulês | Cia dxs Terroristas
| Brazil |

Racism and Prison
the selectivity of the penal system from a first-person perspective
Amabílio Gomes Filho
| Brazil |

Can’t you see the street from the cabinet’s window?
Criminalization of travesties and the discourses of the Justice Tribunal in São Paulo
Victor Siqueira Serra
| Brazil |

The trans anti-carceral experience of the Cuerpos en Prisión, Mentes en Acción collective
Mutual aid and self-care are the central axis of 'Imprisoned Bodies, Active Minds'
Laura Katalina Zamora | Abay Alejandro Hérnández | Jennifer Suárez | Katalina Ángel | Estefanía Méndez
| Colombia |

Ghassan Kanafani: The Palestinian author whose words cannot be assassinated
First biography in Hebrew about Kanafani echoes Palestinian resistance in a moment of escalating oppression
Hagai El-Ad
| Israel | Palestine |