periferias 1 | the Paradigm of Potency
The Paradigm of Potency and the Pedagogy of Coexistence
Fernando Fernandes, Jailson de Souza e Silva and Jorge Barbosa
Instituto Maria e João Aleixo (IMJA) | UNIperiferias
| Brazil |

Transforming the Imaginary of Marginality: Some Experiences from Rio de Janeiro
Udi Mandel Butler
Revisiting the ‘Theology of the City’ in the Perspective of Maré, Rio de Janeiro
Graham Gerald McGeoch
| Brazil |
From gangs to street organizations: armed youth groups and the building of a culture of resistance
Redy Wilson Lima
| Cape Verde |

Visual Writings from the Imagens do Povo Project
Bira Carvalho | Francisco Valdean | Marcia Farias | Rosilene Miliotti
| Brazil |
Maloqueirista Poetry
Caco Pontes | Lino Teixeira | Giovani Baffô | Thiago Calle | Inayara Samuel | Pedro Tostes | Bárbaro Rosa | Aline Binns | Caco Pontes | Paloma Kliss | Leo de Abreu
| Brazil |
Born of the peripheries

Interview with Roberta Estrela D'Alva + "Resist - Afoxé do Mangue"
Signs of turbulence
by Ecio Salles
| Brazil |
Letter from Maré
The Instituto Maria e João Aleixo continues on the path to the construction of an International University of the Peripheries
In its two years of operation, the Instituto has undertaken various initiatives with the goal of connecting the world’s peripheries
Priscila Rodrigues
| Brazil |