periferias 4 | public school: potencies and challenges

Macaé Evaristo
"The Legitimacy of Difference in Public Schools: Towards a Project of (Re)Existence and Plural Trajectories"
Patrícia Santos
| Brazil |

Ricardo Henriques
“A propositive agenda for public schools: the production of sense and actions for disputing equity"
Patrícia Santos
| Brazil |

Is it possible to build another intellectual paradigm for entrance and graduation from university?
Experiences from the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP) in the era of globalization
Filomeno Lopes
| Guinea Bissau |

Rethinking education
Palestinian education challenges under occupation
Rasha Alshakhshir
| Palestine |

The Linguistic Pedagogy of Co-existence at Kurdish Schools in Rojava
A new educational model under threat of war
Daniel Stefani
Edmund Ruge
| Syria |

The interscholastic Akewí poetry slam
Clara de Oliveira Costa
Geovana Santos Januario
Isabela da Silva Cunha
| Brazil |
Photographic Essays

Images of the People Project
Student protagonism: schools for, by, and of the students
Bira Carvalho
Aruan Braga
Imagens do Povo
Observatório de Favelas
| Brazil |
Peripheries Features

Ação educativa
For the defense of educational and cultural rights, and for indicators of educational quality
| Brazil |