december | 2019

periferias 4 | public school: potencies and challenges

Antônio Dourado
Instituto Unibanco
Tamer Institute for Community Education | مؤسسة تامر للتعليم المجتمعي
Bachillerato Popular Alberto Chejolán



Macaé Evaristo

"The Legitimacy of Difference in Public Schools: Towards a Project of (Re)Existence and Plural Trajectories"

Patrícia Santos

| Brazil |

Ricardo Henriques

“A propositive agenda for public schools: the production of sense and actions for disputing equity"

Patrícia Santos

| Brazil |


Is it possible to build another intellectual paradigm for entrance and graduation from university?

Experiences from the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP) in the era of globalization

Filomeno Lopes

| Guinea Bissau |

Rethinking education

Palestinian education challenges under occupation

Rasha Alshakhshir

| Palestine |

“The science of nurturing” and school climates

William Corrêa de Melo

| Brazil |

Why read female philosophers?

Fábio Borges
Marcelo Moraes
Rafael Haddock-Lobo

| Brazil |


To teach the joy of learning


| Angola |

The Linguistic Pedagogy of Co-existence at Kurdish Schools in Rojava

A new educational model under threat of war

Daniel Stefani
Edmund Ruge

| Syria |

The pedagogy of peace

Mariana Costa

| Colombia |

The interscholastic Akewí poetry slam

Clara de Oliveira Costa
Geovana Santos Januario
Isabela da Silva Cunha

| Brazil |


Teaching to transgress

bell hooks

Vinebaldo Aleixo

| Brazil |

Photographic Essays

Images of the People Project

Student protagonism: schools for, by, and of the students

Bira Carvalho
Aruan Braga
Imagens do Povo
Observatório de Favelas

| Brazil |

The Alberto Chejolán popular Baccalaureate

Villa 31 - Buenos Aires

| Argentina |

Peripheries Features

Instituto Unibanco

School management for equality: paths to an anti-racist education

| Brazil |

Ação educativa

For the defense of educational and cultural rights, and for indicators of educational quality

| Brazil |

Born of the peripheries

Andrio Candido

A Worker’s Culture, a Poetic Culture

Amauri Eugênio Jr.

| Brazil |


IDeA: the inequality and learning indicator

Mauricio Ernica
Maria Alice Setubal

| Brazil |

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