A shout-out to the peripheries
Photographic Essay: The Periphery Narrated by its Own People
Curatorship: Bira Carvalho | Imagens do Povo
| Brazil |
July, 2019
In the reigning narrative present in a large part of the media, the lack of understanding about peripheral territories produces and drives prejudice and stereotypes that directly affect the lives of periphery residents in their search for formal work, even legitimizing the violence committed against them. But we inherited from our ancestors other forms of narrating our own history—oral storytelling, more intimate and caring, even more beautiful and poetic—that, with time, began to multiply: samba, hip-hop, funk, music videos, dance, graffiti, cordel,1Paper folktale books native to Brazil’s Northeast poetry, the slam, and photography, among others already out there or in the process of creation. The Images of the People project and Peripheries Journal greet the peripheries of Brazil with a decolonized perspective and with maximum respect for their people in the collective photo essay, “A Shout-Out to the Peripheries,” featuring the art of Brazilian photographers that live in and love their territories. We hope to highlight the efforts of the peripheries and to walk closely with them on the path to claiming their rights and inventing their own lifestyles.
Bira Carvalho
Imagens do Povo
The People's Image Project
Observatório de Favelas
The Favelas Observatory
Matheus Affonso | Brazil |
facebook: @matheusaffonso.moreira
instagram: @affonsodalua
This LGBT photographer from the favelas has developed work on territorial identity over the last four years, creating new narratives around the favela LGBT body
affonsophotos@gmail.comArcasi | Brazil |
instagram: @_arcasi
An afroindigenous artist from Marambaia, Arcasi was born in Belém, Pará. Since 2006, Arcasi has worked on experimenting with poetry, photography, and performance art. She has participated in the Contemporary Artistic Practices program at the Visual Arts School of Parque Lage (2015) and studies Art History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro School for Fine Arts. Arcasi is also a part of the Casa da Quinta and Afroresistências collectives.
lopesarcasi@gmail.comGustavo Costa | Brazil |
instagram: @pretodeomolu
Photographer, geography student and militant in the Black Peripheries Movement, resident of Sabiaguaba, in the periphery of the city of Fortaleza. Costa came into contact with photography when he was 16 years old, and, since then, never stopped taking pictures. His work involves documentary photography, photojournalism, landscape photography, and portraits, using photography as a tool for social change. Currently, aside from individual work, he is part of the Zóio collective, a group of photographers that live in the local peripheries. Their work focuses on educational actions with basic photography as well as popular communication.
gustavoroots092@gmail.comFrancisco Cesar | Brazil |
instagram: @francisco_cesar1
Francisco Cesar é fotógrafo formado pela Escola de Fotógrafos Populares, 2009. Trabalhou no Programa Imagens do Povo entre 2009 e 2011 e participou do Curso de Formação de Educadores em Fotografia, em 2010. Integra o Coletivo Multimídia Favela em Foco. Participou das coletivas: “Caçadores de Sonhos”, que inaugurou a Galeria 535, na Maré, em 2010; “As muitas Faces de Jorge”, no Museu do Folclore – RJ, em 2010; e da mostra “Prazer, sou do povo”, no Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo, Santa Teresa – RJ, ambas em 2011.
franciscocesar@prontonmail.chHoracius de Jesus | Brazil |
Facebook: favelaumafotopordia
Horacius de Jesus is a visual artist, social educator, photographer, cultural activist, and resident of Morro das Pedras in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. He began his artistic life through poetry, and photography began to complement his written work. His artistic identity lies in the photos of daily life in the villages and favelas, with a focus on memory, identity, and territory. He administers the “Favela, one photo per day” Facebook and Instagram pages, where he shares his work and spreads images of the favela. He is also a coordinator of the Green Hill project for Urban Gardens; a social educator in the Pro-youth Adolescent program; and cultural activist in the Cultural and Artistic Association.
horaciusdejesus@gmail.comJoyce S. Vidal | Brazil |
instagram: @Joycesouvidaphotographer
Born and raised in the peripheral neighborhood known as Carlito Pamplona, Vida began her audiovisual and photographic studies in 2010, and ever since has frequented the art schools of the city she resides in, Fortaleza, Ceará. With a degree in Audiovisuals and New Media from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), she is acted as part of the Zóio collective since 2015. She works with a focus on the themes of resistance and existence, principally in dialogue on the questions around black peoples and black women in particular.
joycecsv@gmail.comLeonice Oliveira | Brazil |
Flickr: oliveiraleonice
Instagram: @sweetleka
Oliveira is an architect and urbanist from the Federal University of Pará, and resident of the periphery of the metropolitan region of Belém. She dedicates her work to capturing the life of people in their daily lives or in their history.
Bira Carvalho | Brazil |
Bira Carvalho is the Coordinator of the Images of the People project at the Favelas Observatory.