periferias 2 | democracy and periphery
On the turn of the energy of the common: the potency of the periphery and the road to the radicalization of democracy
Eduardo Alves
| Brazil |
Will Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Imran Khan deliver a 'new' Pakistan?
Abdullah Yusuf
Alamgir Khan
Rhiannon Dempsey
| Pakistan |
New Name Old System: Authoritarianism from Parliamentary to Presidential Systems
Levent Piskin
| Turkey |

Mapuche Intervention - Work 18.314: Mari pura warangka küla pataka mari meli
Visual Poetry: Daniela Catrileo
Photography: Rocío García
Editing and Introduction: Carolina Herrera
| Chile |

Democratizing the body and politics - transexual and peripheral perspectives on democracy and dictatorships
Gilmara Cunha
Graham McGeoch
| Brazil |
Peripheries Features

Redes da Maré - WOW as a possibility for uniting female power in the contemporary world
Eliana Sousa Silva
| Brazil |
NARRA Agency
| Brazil |